Coalition of Arizona Bicyclist’s Annual member’s meeting 10/15/2019
This year, the annual meeting will be held via tele-conference.
A business meeting and election of open board of directors seats will be held.
- Tuesday, October 15 , 2019 at 6:30PM Arizona Time.
Members in good standing who wish to attend/listen/vote please contact no later than 10/11 to obtain the phone in details. Not a member? Click here to join.
Nominations, or self-nominations for the Board of Directors are still open, and as always we’re looking for volunteers in any capacity.
see 2018 meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Board Elections; two expiring seats will be voted on. Additional nominations are open
The meeting was held telephonically October 15, 2019 beginning at 6:40PM, present at the meeting were directors: Tom Armstrong, Bob Beane, Ed Beighe, Bob Jenson, Rich Leever, Sharon Matt,, Lloyd Thomas. (Eric Post, and Gail Hildebrant were absent).
Also present were members Peter Mather, Brett Brunk
As of October 1,2019 our account balances are as follows:
Checking $507.13
Savings $515.99
High Yield $ 31,541.83
Total Funds: $32,564.95
[for comparison, Total Balance Oct 31, 2018 was $33,594.38]
Respectfully submitted, Gail Hildebrant, Treasurer.
We currently have 9 directors; (with a maximum of 15 per bylaws). Directors serve two-year terms, Tom Armstrong and Eric Post’s terms expire this year, and the other 7 expire next year, as noted in the list below the current board is:
Ed Beighe made a motion to nominate Tom Armstrong and Eric Post to new 2 year terms; Lloyd Thomas 2nd the motion. A voice vote was taken and all present voted affirmative, and none negative.
The new board consists of the same 9 members as last year, with terms expiring as noted below:
Tom Armstrong (2021)
Bob Beane (2020)
Ed Beighe (2020)
Gail Hildebrant (2020)
Bob Jenson (2020)
Rich Leever (2020)
Sharon Matt (2020)
Eric Post (2021)
Lloyd Thomas (2020)
The newly-constituted board held officer elections for one-year term. Ed Beighe made a motion to nominate the current slate of officers, as below, Bob Jenson 2nd the motion. No other nominations were made. A voice vote was taken and all directors present voted affirmative, and none negative.
President: Ed Beighe
Vice President Operations: Bob Jenson
Vice President Special Projects: Bob Beane
Treasurer: Gail Hildebrant
Secretary: Sharon Matt
Tom Armstrong explained the benefits of the Coalition becoming an ABEA affiliate; at no cost to the Coalition. Members of affiliated organization receive discounts on training classes and materials. All directors present voted to empower Tom to pursue becoming an affiliate. The ABEA, American Bicycle Education Association is the group that provides CyclingSavvy training, and Tom is a certified CyclingSavvy Instructor (CSI).
Bob Beane mentions he will continue to work with ADOT regarding understanding and hopefully making consistent their policies regarding permitting requirements for bicycle events that use state highways.
Lloyd Thomas asked everyone to please check the latest MAG bike maps for errors; can view online version here (the online does appear to be more up-to-date).
Suggestions for future topics were discussed:
- Need for membership drive
- Grant writer
- LCI’s
- ADOT bike policies
The business meeting concluded at approximately 6:50PM and informal discussions followed.