Spectrum to Gateway Bicycle Boulevard in Phoenix

On Wednesday evening (11.03), City of Phoenix Traffic Engineer and Bicycle Coordinator Joseph Perez presented his proposal of a Bicycle Boulevard in Phoenix running from Spectrum Mall through the northern “Presidential” streets of downtown through to Gateway Community College (40th St & Van Buren). Several representatives from neighborhood associations on or near the route were present as well as a dozen or so concerned citizens, mostly cycling enthusiasts.

Three alternative routes through the downtown area are being studied and one of the goals of this meeting was to select the best. These routes use collector and residential streets, but no arterial roads so that vehicular traffic is not a deterrent to cyclists.
Objectives of the boulevard itself is to provide a well designated route to connect origin and destinations along the way likely to be used by cycling commuters and recreational cyclists such as:
Spectrum Mall
Light Rail stations
Phoenix Public Market
Hance Park
Arts and Culture locations
Grand Canal
Gateway CC
Access to Tempe
The boulevard will be marked by signs, Bike Lanes (where appropriate), and informational signs giving the distance and time to important destinations near the route. In certain areas “Bike Dots” will be used on the road surface to remind motorists and cyclists alike that they are using a shared roadway. Depending upon which alternative route is actually chosen, one to three HAWK signals will be installed to insure the safety of the crossings of the arterial streets.
Construction consists of paint, signage and signals, which can be done within the City Transportation on-going budget funds. No road rerouting, pavement or curbing work is needed. This looks like a great addition to the cycle-ability of Phoenix. If used as much as anticipated, other such boulevards can be added. This has happened in other cities in the US.
2 Responses to “Spectrum to Gateway Bicycle Boulevard in Phoenix”
  1. Good concept, but I don’t believe users will understand the “bike dots”. This should be using standard signing & markings, including the new bicycle-focused guide signs in the new MUTCD – see http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part9/fig9b_04_1_longdesc.htm

  2. azbikelaw says:

    I hadn’t heard of “bike dots”.
    Perhaps sharrows could be used?

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