Solomon U-shaped Curve Normally cited by those wishing slow-moving vehicles should never use any roadway, even though it is perfectly legal, is the Solomon u-shaped curve, the claim is typically something to the effect of it’s safest when all traffic travels at the same speed; ergo a vehicle must never go slower than the “speed of traffic” and […]
Many of you may not know it, but volunteers from the Coalition, led by Peter Mather, endeavor to deliver and keep stocked all Maricopa County bike shops with MAG (Maricopa Association of Gov’ts) Bikeways Maps. This is a huge task. Peter needs your help — in particularly he is seeking new volunteers to deliver maps […]
Hundreds of events are scheduled worldwide on May 16, 2018 in the annual Ride of Silence. (always the third Wednesday in May).
(spring 2018) After 11 attempts, will Arizona ban texting while driving? A bill to outlaw texting while driving passed the Senate Transportation Committee unanimously yesterday, signaling a possible shift. Similar bills have been introduced in the Arizona legislature, and died, for over a decade. Several possible explanatinos for the shift were explored by Arizona Republic […]