Destination positioning is a central and foundational concept of bicycle traffic safety. Moving away from the far right is at times not just legal and not just safer for a bicyclist, but is at the same time courteous to drivers behind. While most law enforcement officers know the rules and do the right thing, there […]
— Path OPENED 10/30/2020 — The South Mountain Freeway, the last and final portion of loop SR202, was constructed atop what was Pecos Road, in the Ahwatukee area of the city of Phoenix. Although some form of path was seemingly promised as long ago as 2010, that was all seemingly forgotten by 2015 when preparations […]
ADOT recently completed and opened the South Mountain Freeway in late 2019; which was heralded — rightly so — as a great accomplishment that will provide a much needed connection between the communities of Ahwatukee and Laveen, or more broadly a direct connection between South East and West Valley, bringing for example enhanced employment opportunities. […]
This year, the annual business meeting will be held via tele-conference. A business meeting and election of open board of directors seats will be held. Tuesday, October 20 , 2020 at 6:30PM Arizona Time. Members in good standing who wish to attend/listen/vote please contact no later than 10/13 to obtain the phone in details. […]
ADOT’s MGT 02-1 Bicycle Policy was removed (also referred to as “sunsetted” elsewhere) sometime in 2017. Below documents what we know about why it was removed.