
Coalition of Arizona Bicyclist’s Annual member’s meeting 10/19/2021

This year, the annual business meeting will be held via tele-conference.
A business meeting and election of open board of directors seats will be held

We earned 2021 GuideStar Silver Seal of Transparency

Learn more about our organization on GuideStar, an independent aggregator of information about 501c3

ADOT Bicycling and Pedestrian Notifications

Subscribe to receive notifications about ADOT projects that impact bicycling and walking…

You Can Help Improve Your Communities Bicycle Network

A number of Arizona communities recently passed initiatives to expand transportation infrastructure including improving bicycle facilities. In addition, there is proposed federal legislation that would make additional moneys available for expanding active transportation networks. This poses the question, what can you as an individual do to improving bicycle facilities in your community? The first recommendation […]

Your Opportunity to Comment On the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is up for review and comments are being accepted through May 14, 2021.