
Flagstaff modernizes their city bike codes

The Flagstaff City Council gave final approval to Ordinance No. 2011-26 [copy]which makes a number of revisions to Title 9, Chapter 5 of the Flagstaff City Code, which regulates the operation of bicycles. The changes include the following…

Progress in the Santa Cruz Valley

The Santa Cruz Valley Bicycle Advocate Committee (SCVBAC) has had another successful year. This year’s Highlights and Objectives for next year are shown below. We appreciate the continued support and encouragement of Pima County, Sahuarita, ADOT, and the Green Valley Council to make all this happen. For updates to our “Master Plan” and “Projects Completed […]

Cottonwood Gets Sharrows

Cottonwood, AZ – December 16th, 2011, 12:00 – Bike shop owner Aaron Ruda was the first cyclist to use the sharrows painted on 12th Street in Cottonwood on Friday. The Public Works crew that had just painted the new roadway markings and can be seen driving away.  Shared-use lane markings, or “sharrows”, are used on roadways which are too […]

Meet Mary Kaye Black

Mary Kaye is the Coalition’s Eastern Arizona Representative, and currently serves on the Board of Directors. I currently live in Gilbert, but I grew up in Graham County. Since I spend a lot of time in Eastern Arizona, I cover that area of the state for the Coalition.I started cycling a few years ago when I […]

Ride the Vortex: Sedona Verde Valley

April 14/15, 2012