Many of you may not know it, but volunteers from the Coalition, led by Peter Mather, endeavor to deliver and keep stocked all Maricopa County bike shops with MAG (Maricopa Association of Gov’ts) Bikeways Maps. This is a huge task. Peter needs your help — in particularly he is seeking 2 to 3 new volunteers […]
City of Phx Bike Coord Joe Perez in front of the new green bike lane on Grand Avenue. (Photo by Nick Blumberg-KJZZ) The city of Phoenix is in the last stages of putting together a huge document, outlining its plans to make getting around on a bicycle easier and safer. It will address infrastructure for bikers and […]
National Level Primary AZ liaison to the League of American Bicyclists (attended National Summits, host visits by LAB staff, responded to/participated in BFS, BFC, BFB, BFU evaluations, wrote article for American Bicyclist covering Hwy 179 improvements, etc.). Represented LAB in awarding BFC designation to several communities (Chandler, Cottonwood). Membership in national organizations: LAB, IMBA, Alliance […]
Scott Walters Scott is providing liaison between the Coalition and the Tempe Bicycle Action Group. Scott Walters is a transplant from bicycle friendly Minneapolis. As a kid, he delivered the daily paper by bicycle but now he writes software. In 2011, he completed his first and hopefully last Paris Brest Paris. Scott also serves on the Tempe Bicycle […]
I wrote this partly because the ATOC (Amgen Tour of California) is one of the few major racing events in the USA and it is (from personal experience) a great event to witness. Linda and I have been to several stages of four of these events. If you cannot, or do not wish to, travel […]