Map Volunteer Needed

Many of you may not know it, but volunteers from the Coalition, led by Peter Mather, endeavor to deliver and keep stocked all Maricopa County bike shops with MAG (Maricopa Association of Gov’ts) Bikeways Maps. This is a huge task.

Peter needs your help — in particularly he is seeking new volunteers to deliver maps to shops in particular areas; you would be assigned 8-10 shops closeby your residence; or perhaps by your work.  It’s best if the volunteer can go to the MAG ( office in the Valley Metro building in downtown Phoenix to pick up the boxes of maps, but if not we may be able to make alternate arrangements.  The volunteer with then visit  the shops about once every two months to restock them.

At this time, Peter is looking for a volunteer(s) to cover shops in North Phoenix / Carefree area, for example:

  • Bicycles of Phoenix, 13636 N Tatum Blvd, Phoenix, 602-404-2453
  • Flat Tire Bike Shop, 6033 E. Cave Creek Rd., 480-488-5261
  • Shadetree Bikes, 13011 N. Cave Creek Rd., 602-743-0535
  • Crankey Monkey, 10880 N. 32 St., #21, 602-283-4755 (next door to old Sunday Cycles)
  • Spur Cross Cycles, 6738 E. Cave Creek Rd. 480-256-2453

It’s a great opportunity to help you your fellow cyclists (and would-be cyclists!) and get to know and interact with the bike-shop community as well.

Please contact us if you can help at or leave us a message on our Facebook page.

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