Road Hazard Hotline

If you are out riding and spot some dangerous road hazard conditions (Cattle guards, dangerous longitudinal cracks and rail road crossing pavement buckling, etc. Generally NOT simply debris.).

Generally, you’ll need to supply the following information:

  • Type of hazard (description).
  • Detailed location.
  • Date observed.
  • Your Contact information

It’s best to directly report the hazard to the responsible jurisdiction, Here’s a few (sorry these links go dead regularly) —

5 Responses to “Road Hazard Hotline”
  1. Michael says:

    For City of Phoenix, use Street Maintenance/ADA Problem Reporting Form at

    For State and US highways, contact the appropriate ADOT District office:

  2. azbikelaw says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. norm little says:

    Terrible pavement. Unable to avoid numerous potholes on the n/b I-17 ramp at Kachina Blvd. PLEASE DO SOMETHING !

  4. admin says:

    Removed this part –sadly there is no volunteer available at this time:
    A volunteer from the Coalition will bring this to the attention of the relevant jurisdiction. In tough budget times we might be able to help out our local, county and state transportation folks, prevent some bicyclist injuries (or worse) and earn some points toward future cooperation.
    To report a hazardous road condition | email:

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