Critical Mass – Phoenix

As a nationally certified cycling safety instructor I was intrigued by Critical Mass’s endeavor to improve cycling in the Valley, so I participated in Friday night’s ride. To the consternation of leaders I stopped for red lights, but I also stood up to motorists that were trying to endanger cyclists by not following the rules […]

Share the Road – Buses and Bicycles

“At first glance, it may not seem like a bike and a bus have very much in common, but in fact, they share a lot of things… both are usually in the same space on the roadway, the right lane. And both have slower than average speeds…”, view the video presented by ChicgoBikes and the […]

LCI Instructor Class: Sept 9, 10, 11 in Gilbert, AZ

There will be an LCI Instructor Class held September 9, 10, and 11, 2011. This is the class to take to become a certified LCI (League Cycling Instructor), more info from the LAB. The location will be: Town of Gilbert, Heritage annex, 119 N. Gilbert Road, Gilbert, AZ  This location will be empty except for our […]

CAzBike Membership Meeting: Monday June 20

next scheduled meeting: Monday June 20, 2011. 6:00PM. Location: Boulders on Broadway Bar and Grill (map)530 W. Broadway in Tempe AZ 85282, 480.921.9431 WATCH THIS SPACE

Cycle For Life registration for November open soon

Planning has begun for our next Cycle For Life bike event, organized by the Arizona Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The event has been moved to November where it will remain each year. This year, the ride will offer a 75-mile and 35-mile routes in Pinal County starting at Heritage Park in Florence, AZ […]

Support for Phx’s Complete Streets Classification System

Mr. Shane SilsbyDeputy Street Transportation DirectorCity of Phoenix200 W. Washington St.Phoenix, AZ 85004 Dear Mr. Silsby The Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists would like to express our support for the City of Phoenix’s application to the FHWA Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program to create a “Complete Streets” Classification System. I have personally participated in the […]

Report from scvbac Ride of Silence

The Ride of Silence is over for 2011 but will be back on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 – always on the third Wednesday. If you have a next year calendar put it down in ink. In Green Valley the wind scared some people away but turned out to not be a factor affecting the ride. […]

Phx Bicycle Initiative Subcommittee mtg is WEDNESDAY, not Thursday

Flash update — City of Phx Bicycle Initiative Subcommittee for this month will be WEDNESDAY (tomorrow!) May 25, 2011 at 4:30pm; rather than the usual fourth Thursday. Sorry for the late notice. The EQC (Environmental Quality Committee) meets once per month on the third Thursday at 8 a.m. in the Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. […]

15th Ave Bikeway bridge: info meeting May 23

The City of Phoenix will be constructing a pedestrian and bicycle bridge across the Arizona Canal from the existing ACDC Bicycle Path to the 15th Avenue Bikeway in early summer 2012.The design for this bridge is now complete and the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Departmentwill be holding an informational public meeting to discuss the […]

The Savvy Cyclist Presentation : May 17, Flagstaff

Learn about cyclists’ rights, bicycle safety, riding myths and more!Presented by Randy Victory, a long-time cycling advocate who spent 32 years car-free and traveled to Washington, D.C. to lobby on the behalf of Arizona cyclists.Randy is a certified LCI (League Cycling Instructor), and is CAzBike’s Northern Arizona Representative. Tucson Bicycle Attorney, Eric Post will be […]