Flagstaff modernizes their city bike codes

The Flagstaff City Council gave final approval to Ordinance No. 2011-26 [copy]which makes a number of revisions to Title 9, Chapter 5 of the Flagstaff City Code, which regulates the operation of bicycles. The changes include the following…

Progress in the Santa Cruz Valley

The Santa Cruz Valley Bicycle Advocate Committee (SCVBAC) has had another successful year. This year’s Highlights and Objectives for next year are shown below. We appreciate the continued support and encouragement of Pima County, Sahuarita, ADOT, and the Green Valley Council to make all this happen. For updates to our “Master Plan” and “Projects Completed […]

Cottonwood Gets Sharrows

Cottonwood, AZ – December 16th, 2011, 12:00 – Bike shop owner Aaron Ruda was the first cyclist to use the sharrows painted on 12th Street in Cottonwood on Friday. The Public Works crew that had just painted the new roadway markings and can be seen driving away.  Shared-use lane markings, or “sharrows”, are used on roadways which are too […]

Meet Mary Kaye Black

Mary Kaye is the Coalition’s Eastern Arizona Representative, and currently serves on the Board of Directors. I currently live in Gilbert, but I grew up in Graham County. Since I spend a lot of time in Eastern Arizona, I cover that area of the state for the Coalition.I started cycling a few years ago when I […]

Ride the Vortex: Sedona Verde Valley

April 14/15, 2012 http://bikeaza.nationalmssociety.org/site/PageServer?pagename=BIKE_AZA_homepage

Meet Ed Beighe

Ed Beighe Ed is the Coalition’s Webmaster. Ed has been riding primarily for transportation, and to enjoy the health benefits, from his home in the Ahwatukee area of Phoenix on a daily basis for over 10 years. Ed also enjoys recreational MTB riding on the many trails of nearby South Mountain Park, the “largest urban park […]

Meet Sheila Foraker

Sheila Foraker Sheila is the Coalition’s Southern Arizona Representative. I love bicycles. If it has at least two wheels, I’ll ride it (two wheel minimum, since I haven’t figured out unicycles). Knobby, skinny, 20″ – 29,” fixed, single or geared, its all good. I love to race, but I’m cool with taking it easy on the […]

Traffic Skills 101: Dec 3 THIS SATURDAY

THIS SATURDAY!This is our Nation’s premiere street bicycling program taught by instructors certified by the League of American Bicyclists. Learn the basics of bicycle and helmet fit. Learn state bicycle laws. Learn how to predict and prevent crashes, and how to bail out as a last resort! Learn how to operate your bicycle in a […]

Meet Randy Victory

Randy Victory serves as CAzBike’s Northern Arizona Representative. Chip & Karen Davis discussingbicycling with Randy  Known as “Ranger Randy,” Victory works at Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood. He often patrols the park on his bicycle, offering his own special brand of friendly assistance to the public. Born in San Francisco, he grew up […]

Phoenix Political Pedal Power (P4) endorses greg Stanton

During the November 1, 2011 meeting of Phoenix Political Pedal Power (P4), the responses from the Candidates for Mayor of Phoenix were evaluated. P4 sincerely appreciates the time and effort given by each candidate. The objectives of P4 are to influence the elections and decisions of City policy makers towards the betterment of Phoenix so […]