ADOT MGT 02-1 Bicycle Policy — removed

ADOT’s MGT 02-1 Bicycle Policy was removed (also referred to as “sunsetted” elsewhere) sometime in 2017. Below documents what we know about why it was removed.

From: Todd A. Emery
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 9:48 AM
To: Michael Kies
Cc: Michael Sanders
Subject: Bicycle Policy Mike, At our SEO policy meetings we have been going through the transportation policies and making determinations as to whether a policy should remain a policy or should it just be addressed in guidance documents. It was felt that the guidance in our bicycle policy (MGT 02-1) did not need to be contained in a policy but that the information could be conveyed adequately in our guidance documents. It is our intent to remove the bicycle policy. As such all references to the bicycle policy will need to be removed once the policy has been removed. Let me know if you have any questions.


Here is an email chain that describes a bit more; including a list of ADOT documents in which the policy was referred to.

Here is a link to a copy of the now-removed policy. Although it seems to have been removed from the main site, there is also still a copy at as of May 2020

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