Arizona back in top-ten in LAB Bike Friendly States Ranking
The League of American Bicyclists released their Bicycle Friendly State rankings for 2013 last week. Arizona was ranked as the 10th most bike friendly state, after having fallen to 16th spot in the 2011 rankings.
“…In the Southwest, Arizona moved back into the top 10. Among other strides, the state completed its Bicycle Safety Action plan to improve bicyclist safety on Arizona’s highways.
‘The goal is to reduce the number of bicyclist fatalities and injury crashes with motor vehicles,’ said Michael Sanders, Arizona Department of Transportation’s bicycle and pedestrian program coordinator. “We ‘crash-typed’ nearly 750 reported crashes that occurred over a five-year period to better define the sequence of actions leading to the collision. For example, we found that over half of all crashes occurred while a motorist was making a right turn. The Plan consists of action items addressing potential changes to policies and education programs, or new tools, such as bicycle road safety audit guidelines, to improve bicyclist safety.’
More info and links to the LAB rankings and report card at
Good sound bite, eh? But where the rubber meets the road, National Bike Challenge, Arizona is currently ranked 40 (, “Leaderboard” tab – “States”). And in a May 14 webinar, Understanding and Shaping Transportation Performance Measures, Part II: Current Data Collection Methods and Exploring What’s Possible, LAB’s Darren Flusche mentioned that they will be Capturing and Using Data of the National Bike Challenge (Tuesday, June 4 webinar for advocacy orgs?). Doubt that LAB will give up on ranking states: guess that’s too good of a sound bite!