After 11 attempts, will Arizona ban texting while driving?
(spring 2018)
After 11 attempts, will Arizona ban texting while driving?
A bill to outlaw texting while driving passed the Senate Transportation Committee unanimously yesterday, signaling a possible shift. Similar bills have been introduced in the Arizona legislature, and died, for over a decade. Several possible explanatinos for the shift were explored by Arizona Republic columnist Roberts: Is Arizona ready (finally) to ban texting while driving?
This is front-page news the morning after the unanimous committee vote, 2/7/2018:
Just before casting his vote, committee Chairman Rep. Bob Worsley, R-Mesa apologized to the public for taking so long to move the bill forward. “Sometimes it just seems like our political ideology gets in the way of common sense,” he said. — AZ Republic 2/7/2018
Here’s another news story from
Follow SB1261 texting while driving; prohibition on
Please see this article for general information about how to follow the legislative process.
The reality that long time GOP head of the transportation committee, Andy Biggs, has moved on to represent corporations and spread his hate at the national level. He wouldn’t even allow the issue to BE HEARD much less voted on… unfortunately this is how things really work. Thanks to Steve Farley from Tucson for his persistence in bringing this to the table every year!
We all owe Steve Farley a debt of gratitude for his persistence on this issue.