ADOT 5-Year Program available online for review and comment
With limited funding and a need to identify the state’s top transportation priorities, the Arizona Department of Transportation is seeking public input on the Tentative Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program, a work plan outlining highway, transit and aeronautic projects from 2012 to 2016.
Transportation is funded by ALL OF US, so let our voice be heard!
Visit to review and comment on the Tentative Program, along with information about how to read the program document, and a special video message from ADOT Director John Halikowski.
ADOT needs your voice, Arizona, and thanks you for participating. Please provide your comments by June 3.
Three public hearings also are scheduled to help community members comment before the program is finalized:
9 a.m., Friday, March 18 in Sahuarita
Town of Sahuarita Council Chambers
375 W. Sahuarita Center Way
Sahuarita, Ariz. 85629
9 a.m., Friday, April 15 in Phoenix
Arizona Department of Transportation Auditorium
206 S. 17th Avenue
Phoenix, Ariz. 85007
9 a.m., Friday, May 20 in Flagstaff
City of Flagstaff Council Chambers
211 W. Aspen Ave.
Flagstaff, Ariz. 86001
The State Transportation Board will consider all public comments before adopting the final Five-Year Program, which is expected to occur as part of its June 17 meeting. Transportation affects all of us. Don’t miss these opportunities to share your views